Friday, July 26, 2013

Week 3 EOC: Rolling Stone Magazine

The fact that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev engage in activities that were very dangerous on the day of the Boston bombing “Ultrahazardous activities include using harmful chemicals, operating explosives, keeping wild animals, bringing dangerous substances onto property, and a few similar activities where the danger to the general public is especially great”. (Beatty 100) Beatty, Jeffrey F., Susan S. Samuelson. Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Business Law, 4th Edition. Shows that they wanted to hurt people so all of the acts that took place were Strict Liability towards Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and strict liability is  “A tort doctrine holding to a very high standard all those who engage in ultra hazardous activity (e.g., using explosives) or who manufacture certain products”. (Beatty G14) Beatty, Jeffrey F.,  Susan S. Samuelson. Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Business Law, 4th Edition. Who’s to say that Janet Reitmanis article has all the facts straight she gathered her information from people that knew Dzhokhar Tsarnaev I’m saying that because Janet Reitmanis article could be saying some defamatory statements about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev The law of defamation concerns false statements that harm someone's reputation. Defamatory statements can be written or spoken. Written defamation is called libel”. (Beatty 78) Beatty, Jeffrey F.,  Susan S. Samuelson. Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Business Law, 4th Edition. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev did in fact perform some horrible acts of murder along with assault. We all know three people died for the actions that took place near the finish line along with 264 people injured when they heard the first bomb go off that was assault then the second bomb went off even more people were put into harms way. “Assault occurs when a defendant performs some action that makes a plaintiff fear an imminent battery. It is assault even if the battery never occurs”. (Beatty 79) Beatty, Jeffrey F., Susan S. Samuelson. Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Business Law, 4th Edition.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Week 2 EOC: Stand your ground

Stand-your-ground laws generally do not require people to retreat from others they fear intend them serious harm. Stand your ground laws are essentially a revocation of the duty to retreat.  Stand your ground laws generally state that, under certain circumstances, individuals can use force to defend themselves without first attempting to retreat from the danger.  The purpose behind these laws is to remove any confusion about when individuals can defend themselves and to eliminate prosecutions of people who legitimately used self-defense even though they had not attempted to retreat from the threat. (It is impossible to discuss stand your ground laws without first explaining the concept of the duty to retreat.  In its most extreme form, the duty to retreat states that a person who is under an imminent threat of personal harm must retreat from the threat as much as possible before responding with force in self-defense.) ( I don't like Stand Your Ground laws it makes it difficult to determine the victim from the instigator, especially if only one survives.(Stand Your Ground laws — sometimes referred to as "Shoot First" laws by detractors — change the legal definition of self-defense for citizens who feel they are being confronted with deadly force or imminent danger.) ( It depends on what side you’re looking at this law because (Florida's law — which extends protections for the use of deadly force far beyond the traditional bounds of one's home) ( You can understand how the George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin trial went the way it did. If Martin’s family took it to civil court they could challenge the section titled, "Immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action for justifiable use of force."

Friday, July 12, 2013

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

My name is Antoine I’m a photographer I’ve been into photography since I was younger my parents gave me my first camera when I was seven years old it was a Kodak Disc 6100. I would take my camera everywhere and take pictures of everything my friends and family would call me little paparazzi. When it comes to my style I’m all over the place I still like to take photos of everything just like when I was younger so I consider myself a jack-of-all-trades master of none. I dibble and dabble in a little bit of everything from landscape, cityscape, underwater, portraits and still life. I just like to take photos of all kinds of things, places and people. I like to take my time when it comes to photos that way I’ll know you’ll get the best quality photos from me. So when I’m happy with my work you’ll be even happier because it’s the best quality. If you do what you love and love what you do you’ll always have fun. That’s the approach that I have when it comes to photography it’s not always about how much money you can make but about the experience that lead you to where you are. So let’s take a trip together.